Author: Doug Wright


This article originally published by INX Software, 9 February 2018.   By Doug Wright   The definition of safety leadership can cause confusion because the terms ‘leadership’ and ‘management’ are often thought of as synonymous. In fact, managers are part of an organisation’s structural hierarchy and so their role is to formally control their subordinates. In contrast, a safety leader sets and monitors the standards of safe behaviour within their organisation in order to effect positive change and influence co-workers. Safety leaders can be found at all levels of an organisation, from senior executives, through to middle level such as site managers, and on...

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Safety leadership: transforming the character of our workplaces

This article originally published by INX Software, 15 December 2017.   By Doug Wright   “Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Character is everything.” – Anon.   The above quote is attributed (in different forms) to many different people, from Mahatma Gandhi to Margaret Thatcher. But whoever said it, I believe the reason it is quoted and re-quoted so much is that we both recognise the truth of those words, and recognise that we fail to follow them. Character is something that is...

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Forgive to Succeed

By Doug Wright   Intentionally or unintentionally, you are going to make mistakes, you are going to mess up. We all do. It is how you handle these little hiccups that will define your future.   There are people who let these mistakes drive them to anger. You see this in the sports world all the time –  an unforced error here, a trip, an accidental free kick to the opposing team, and then the anger takes over. People get angry, lose focus, and lose. Simply because they let their mistakes get to them.   Then there are those...

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How Workplace Wellness Starts at the Top

By Doug Wright The culture of a company is created by the way in which that company’s leaders carry themselves and through the actions that company takes. If a team is to be highly productive and engaged, it is key for those at the top to do as they say, and to demonstrate authentic leadership. There is an art to a balanced life. As a leader you must display self-discipline, purpose, and wellbeing. Research done by the Global Wellness Institute suggests workplace wellness can be valued at $40 billion globally, though the estimate varies as results can be hard...

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MEDIA RELEASE: The Crash Survivor nominated in Noosa International Film Festival

  26 October 2017 PLGRM’s The Crash Survivor – proudly supported by Orica – is the story of a survivor of a head-on vehicle collision. The film has been announced a finalist in two categories for the Noosa International Film Festival.     The judges are now deciding the winners in each prize category for the festival, with The Crash Survivor nominated as a finalist in the Best Documentary and Best Humanitarian prize categories. Doug Wright was a truck driver and amateur ballroom dancer when a head-on vehicle collision left him with horrific injuries. Told that he would never...

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