Author: Doug Wright

SAFETY AND ATTITUDE (PART 2) Mentoring for Positive Safety Attitudes

When fostering a culture of safety mentorship, the attitudes of experienced employees become all-important. Older workers score high with leadership abilities, detail-oriented tasks, organisation, listening, writing skills, and problem-solving. Their greatest asset is experience, or their workplace wisdom. They’ve learned how to get along with people, solve problems without drama and call for help when necessary. They know where to focus their efforts to deal with unexpected problems and so prevent costly mistakes and accidents.   These skills make them invaluable as demonstrators of good work attitudes. They model desirable behaviours and follow the rules. It’s a no-brainer to...

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SAFETY AND ATTITUDE (PART 1) Recognising Your Safety Attitude

A workplace safety attitude refers to an employee’s tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a safety goal, idea, plan, procedure, prevention or situation. It’s a fact that your work attitude not only affects how well you do your job, but also affects how safe you are when you’re doing it. Attitude could be described as the spark that drives your behaviour.   Your attitudes are made up of: Emotions or feelings which are driven by your mental state at any particular time Your beliefs or opinions derived from your faith or upbringing Your inclination (or not!) for action,...

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This article originally published by INX Software, 16 March 2018.   By Doug Wright   Most of us spend the major part of our lives either away at work or in our homes. We like to think we’re safe in those familiar environments and we seldom spare a thought for anything within them that could affect our health and wellbeing.   When we hear the words ‘health and safety’, the usual visions that spring to mind are people falling off ladders, repetitive strain injuries, collapsing scaffolding and the like. We’re less likely to think about stress and the potential damage...

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SAFETY AND LEADERSHIP PART THREE: Implementing Safety Leadership

This article originally published by INX Software, 16 February 2018.   By Doug Wright   The first two articles in this series dealt with identifying and encouraging safety leaders. Now we will look at ways your workplace can support safety leaders, and implement a safety management system. Western Australia’s Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety suggests the following strategies to further develop safety leadership and to encourage all levels of the management team to show their commitment to a safe workplace through their actions as well as their words. Ways to do this include: Chairing safety meetings. Taking responsibility for maintaining...

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SAFETY AND LEADERSHIP PART TWO: Encouraging Safety Leadership

This article originally published by INX Software, 12 February 2018.   By Doug Wright   I wrote recently about safety leadership, and the need to have influential safety leaders who are separate from management. It is also vital to have safety leaders positioned at every job site, in every department, and in every work team. If this seems unattainable, remember, anyone can be a safety leader. Safety leaders do not rule by authority; instead, their conduct influences co-workers to improve their own standards. It’s important to create a sustainable safety culture that gives any workforce the right skill sets, mindsets and tools, rather...

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