Month: February 2018

SAFETY AND LEADERSHIP PART THREE: Implementing Safety Leadership

This article originally published by INX Software, 16 February 2018.   By Doug Wright   The first two articles in this series dealt with identifying and encouraging safety leaders. Now we will look at ways your workplace can support safety leaders, and implement a safety management system. Western Australia’s Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety suggests the following strategies to further develop safety leadership and to encourage all levels of the management team to show their commitment to a safe workplace through their actions as well as their words. Ways to do this include: Chairing safety meetings. Taking responsibility for maintaining...

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SAFETY AND LEADERSHIP PART TWO: Encouraging Safety Leadership

This article originally published by INX Software, 12 February 2018.   By Doug Wright   I wrote recently about safety leadership, and the need to have influential safety leaders who are separate from management. It is also vital to have safety leaders positioned at every job site, in every department, and in every work team. If this seems unattainable, remember, anyone can be a safety leader. Safety leaders do not rule by authority; instead, their conduct influences co-workers to improve their own standards. It’s important to create a sustainable safety culture that gives any workforce the right skill sets, mindsets and tools, rather...

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This article originally published by INX Software, 9 February 2018.   By Doug Wright   The definition of safety leadership can cause confusion because the terms ‘leadership’ and ‘management’ are often thought of as synonymous. In fact, managers are part of an organisation’s structural hierarchy and so their role is to formally control their subordinates. In contrast, a safety leader sets and monitors the standards of safe behaviour within their organisation in order to effect positive change and influence co-workers. Safety leaders can be found at all levels of an organisation, from senior executives, through to middle level such as site managers, and on...

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Safety leadership: transforming the character of our workplaces

This article originally published by INX Software, 15 December 2017.   By Doug Wright   “Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Character is everything.” – Anon.   The above quote is attributed (in different forms) to many different people, from Mahatma Gandhi to Margaret Thatcher. But whoever said it, I believe the reason it is quoted and re-quoted so much is that we both recognise the truth of those words, and recognise that we fail to follow them. Character is something that is...

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